10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Business on Facebook

Social media marketing is an important part of the business world these days, and your average company will have a Facebook page. Mark Zuckerberg’s creation is the most famous social media network and it offers plenty of welcome trade boosts for businesses across the globe, but few firms know how to tap into this potential properly.

The worst mistake any business can make is to view social media as a glorified marketing opportunity. It isn’t – the social media accounts you run are your business’s voice to your customers and the world. If you make a mistake, or remain inactive, the world will either reject or ridicule you. Due to this it’s important to keep your Facebook page active as there are a billion users out there to tap into. In this guide I’ll note the ways to keep your customers entertained, and how to draw in more “likes”.

1. Engage With Your Customers

The worst thing a company can do is be inactive or boring – lay off the business spiel and engage with what is, essentially, your fan base! There are simply too many distractions online to risk not being immediately appealing; internet users are notorious for skim reading and will dismiss, or embrace, your Facebook account in a matter of seconds.
Being active with your customers is a good start – if they ask you a question respond immediately. If there’s a complaint, or a problem, strive to get the issue sorted as quickly as possible. A negative comment on your wall can become a terrific boost as customers will often respond gratefully based on your quick response.

2. Promote Fun

It’s important to remember to not flood your customer’s News Feed, so use moderate amounts of entertaining posts on your company wall. These can help keep customers entertained and will aid the viral success of your content, creating organic links (new traffic) to your website. Pictures or puzzles would always go down well.

3. Post Videos on Your Facebook Page

A great way to enhance your page is to include interesting videos that are relevant to your business. For example, if you have a hardware store, then a short instructional video comparing wood stains could benefit your customers. Alter this to your brand’s needs and you’ll be seen to be engaging with customers in new ways.

4. Link to Interesting Articles

Posting articles of interest to your business will also help your website go viral. This can be of your own doing; articles, blog posts, guest posts. Get them onto your wall! However, it wouldn’t go amiss to post links to interesting articles from other sources.

5. Run Competitions

Facebook don’t strictly allow you to have competitions in order to boost your “like” ratings, so what you can do is hold a contest for something which involves your current users “sharing” an image. This can be spread out amongst tens of thousands of people over the course of a few days as more “shares” lead to greater exposure.


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