We all have those contacts in the phone that are just that-contacts! Numbers and emails we have no idea where they came from. Or, is it only me? I have accumulated so many over the years, considering I have never lost my contacts since I got my line in Form 2. Some have just come, somehow. Mostly in the era of 2Go. (Let’s not go there) 🙂
So, the other day, I discovered a name that has been lying in my phone book, long dormant and sleepy. Norah. This is Whatsapp, you can text for free, so I say “hi”. We start small talk-she has so many similarities, I think she is either a long lost sibling, or she is my soulmate. Same college courses, same tastes, same lifestyles, same county (it matters). The chemistry is tight. From her Whatsapp profile picture, she is cute. I think she is heaven sent.Â
She reads my blog! And she wishes she can write, too.Â
“Why not? Go on, write”
“But where”
“I can help you set up a blog”
“I will just write for you”Â
She was in love with the  “Looking for a Wife” and “I will be the perfect Husband” posts. So, she wanted to be my wife! Teren teren. Her response was in a record few minutes! Read on:
I am waiting for my flame. I am not looking for him, it is his job to look for me. And if he is my perfect match, he will recognize himself in me. When he finds me, he will feel it, he will be drawn to me, in a way he can not explain. It will be mystical, perfect and we will fulfill the purpose of our union. Together.
As I wait, it is my duty to mold myself to perfection. To reach my highest self. I want to be perfect for him too. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Mentally. It is simple, we attract what we are. That’s the law of attraction.
I want to give my best to my flame. For him, it will be worth the search. For me, it will be worth the wait.
I want my beauty to run more than skin deep. I want my heart to be beautiful. I want it to love my flame, truly, madly, deeply. But before loving my flame so purely, I have to love myself first. To accept who i am and respect my inner self enough to be true to myself. Only then will i learn to love my flame in equal measure. I will cherish him, love his quirks, admire his strengths, i will love him so. As much as i love myself.
To love is to serve. I want to serve my flame. I want to cook for him. There is something intimate about cooking for your man. And serving him. Better yet, we can cook together. And enjoy every moment. I want to do his laundry. Clean our house. Make a beautiful home. I want our home to be our paradise.
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Relax, I got you. Source:Â http://blackartrocks.tumblr.com/ |
I love to play. And i want my flame to be my partner in crime. I want us to share hobbies. Laugh silly. Play games together. Have i mentioned sex? Hmm. Playful sex too. I want us to tease. A lot. Try new things. Be wild. Fulfill our fantasies. I want to be totally open with him, because he loves every part of me. Without judging.
Not everyday will be a good one, without sadness, there would be no happiness. I want my flame to be my shoulder to cry on. I want our relationship to be our safe haven. Be our source of comfort.
My partner will trust me enough to let me be his helper. Make me his partner. I would love it if we made decisions together. Run our finances together. Invest together. I want us to be a team. A strong one at that.
Finally, my flame will understand that if God does not build a home, those who build it do so in vain. He will let God be the centre of our relationship. We will pray together, for ourselves, and our family. He will understand that a family that prays together, stays together.
So here i am, waiting for my flame. When i see him, i will recognize him. My handsome prince charming. I will admire his masculinity. He will cherish my femininity. He will love me, like Christ loves the church. And I will respect him so much, I will submit to his authority. I will let him lead me. And i will follow him, gladly. When he finds him, I will definitely marry him.
With all my love.
Isn’t she just perfect? She is waiting for her flame. Will you be her flame, or should I just be? I am sliding into the friend zone quite fast-even before I meet her.Â
Yesterday was her birthday. Happy Birthday, Norah!
Catch up with her on:Â FacebookÂ
i just loved this piece…….. my suggestion is what you thought Frank
Hehe. Emily.
Let the fire burn…and the friend zone with it.
Amen. Friendzone is from Saitan
Hmmmm Calif! Gud one!..bt what if she is a ghost?���������� ?love the article bro! Gud-luck to exploring Norah! 
Haha. Exploring +norah komora kama map. 🙂
No, she is not a ghost.
Hehehe i am not a ghost!
To think of it.. You might be
+norah komora didn't mean it…just cautioning my little bro coz nowadays ghost-lovers r everywhere! ����
Sema LITTLE bro tena tunapambane. :)