I had just seen my email invite to the Safaricom Sakata Ball Launch…happy and excitedly!Ready to attend the spring of Kenyan youth football.
Making a ground check on the event on the net,I see headlines to the effect that Sakata Ball Season 3 launch has been postphoned…I go back to the email..This is Season 3 alright….back to the news..its today’s date.
I think its a joke and I RSVP that I will attend.
Then I get a reply,confirming my fears..followed by the Press Statement cancelling the whole thing!
And the reason?Sad,but not shocking….. In part:
This follows a last minute move by the national football governing body, Football
Kenya Federation (FKF) to impose new requirements on the running of the
event through a letter to event organizers dated 30th May 2012. In its letter to
Safaricom, the FKF demanded to be paid 20% of the total sponsorship cost of the
Sakata Ball tournament as administration fees half of which was to be paid prior
to its launch, failing which it would disown the event.
That’s FKF,the body proposing to be the protector of Fottball interests in Kenya…alll for one reason..MONEY!
Lets take a background check on Sakata Ball:This tournament started in 2010 primarily involving children teams from all over the country in a progression set up from the grassroots to the national level.
In 2010,it saw 1057 boys’ teams from six regions around the country participate and expanded in 2011 to cover eight regions and include 1526 boys’ and 533 girls’ teams. Today, ex-Sakata players comprise 90% of the U 20 girls’football team while others like Abdi Malik have played for both the U-20 team and Harambee Stars.
Now, that’s a genuine effort to foster the growth of Kenyan football into the future..a mission with results.
Now,tell me what we can call a person against this noble mission if not an Enemy of the Game,and State? Intriguingly, this enemy is the same one tats is charged with the duty of doing that-growing football in Kenya.Well,they failed to do this-they didn’t even try..and now they are fighting anyone who tries to do it…all for money!
Earlier in the week,the Vice Chairman had pointed out pressing issues in FKF..endemic corruption,abuse of power,extortion,empty promises,misuse of funds,among others..and you are left wodering..if the caretaker destroys the house,who will take care of it? There were elections the other day in a bid to sweep such things..and now its worse.
All I say…FKF doesnt represent the interest of Kenyan football..the Fs in the abbreviation don’t stand for Football!Telol them I said that-because I don’t think they will read this-I doubt they read any football commentary,even in the papers.Otherwise they would know we don’t approve their selfish ways.
If this continues,the future is quite bleak.
God Bless Kenya.