Kenyan Dawn

On the night jamuhuri twelve,

Ululations pomp and joy
Like a visit by Santa and the elves
A nation was being born
In the maternities of our struggles
Shackles were divorcing my arms
Prison walls falling down
To the music of trumpets of Mau Mau
The night was chilly, but,
They raised the flag on the highest peak
And sang anthem to the new born
The queen’s jack kneeled down
To the green red white and black of the land
And when the dawn came,
We were pregnant with hope
Screaming in maternity ward of our dreams
To usher in a new era
But we made the error
Greed clouded our vision
Hate and human indecisions
Divide conquer and rule
Brainwashing in schools
Giving civilization to descendants of the apes
Bastards of colonial rape
……..we wait…..
For the fruits of the tree
Planted in nineteen sixty three
Soon it will be a jubilee….
….but…..I wait……she waits ….he waits…
For uhuru………
Behind The Poem: 

 it a wait that every kenyan citizen have in their heart……


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