To be Afrikan and what this means to me,
Is a task that sheer words cannot dare to treat,
For the beauty and warm feel of this majestic continent,
Is one I’m always sure and totally confident.
To be Afrikan, I wonder……….
Is it to have the awesome complexion of the midnight sky?
Or to possess the skill of crafting that delicious meal?
Is it to be blessed with the never ending smile of the sun?
Or maybe, to manage that intricate dance or beat of the drum?
Am I Afrikan because of the nature of my walk?
Or by the manner in which I pattern my talk?
Am I Afrikan because of this dear name I hold?
Or by fact that Afrika is where I have a place I call home?
Is it a feeling, is it a destiny?
Or just a mere form of identity?
Is it an attitude, is it a lifestyle?
Or just another cultural dwelling?
I believe it is all these, and more than entails this list,
That give me strength and with confidence fill me in,
To here boldly stand, and with kingly authority confirm,
That I am a prince of my Mamaland:
I am an Afrikan Child.
>>>Anzaa Makena